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NFIB (National Federation of Independent Businesses)
Associated Builders & Contractors
National Right to Work Committee
Former 34th District Delegate Vince Callahan
Congressman Frank Wolf
Congressman Tom Davis
Former Senator Fred Thompson and Jeri Thompson
The Honorable Jeannemarie Devolites
Supervisor Pat Herrity
Former 34th District Republican Candidate Dave Hunt
Former Ambassador to the Vatican and Secretary of Veterans Affairs, Jim Nicholson
Former Solicitor General Theodore B. Olson
Former Michigan Govenor John Engler and former First Lady Michelle Engler
Former Senator Spence Abraham and Jane Abraham
Fred Malek
Jim Cheng
Bill Kilberg
Mary Matalin
Ellen Field
Karl and Doris Pierson
Dr. Charles and Meredith Riedel
Ed and Edwina Rogers
Lisa Nelson
George S. Sigalos
The Honorable John Frey
John and Sally Simms
John and Jan Pascoe
Chris and Pat Sowick
Jan Schar
Virginia and Brian Brooks
Bill and Connie Crosby
Barbara and Herb Kaiser
Patricia and Charles Molineaux
Jay and Anne Gruner
Ken and Kathleen Keane
Andrew Wahlquist
Beverly and Bob Dillaway
Michael and Ginger Master
Jeffrey Kurzweil
Linda and Tim Cahill
The Honorable Richard and Claire Schweiker
Dick and Jean Thompson
Jody and Bruce Bennett
Dr. Alan Hinkle
Michelle Dupont Olson
Rosa Nella Tinsler
Jim Richards
Dr. Stan Hillard
Ward L. Ginn Jr.
Terri Markwart
Stephen F. Twohig
Elizabeth Blackshaw
Trudy Simmons
Linda Graves
Carol and Mike Sutton
Harvey Cohen
William Maxted
Thomas Neal
Robert J. Quinlan
Joan Sheehan
Honorable C.H. Albright
Sharon Neufeld
George Carneal
Eileen Loria
Dani Doane
Teresa Snell
Beverly Edwards
Roy Siple
Gordon & Sara Brady
Kyung S. Park
Kathy Hill
Young Leigh
Christopher Purdy
Charlotte & Phil Callif
Dolores Webb
Scott & Jennifer Durham
Louise P. Ten Eyck
Laura S. Meyer
Nan H. Brazell
John & Mami Martin
Sarah Anderson
Will Jerro
Mandy Kontos
Nancy Peters
Patty Roewer
Mercedes Cecchi
Lyan White
Joseph & Ann Varga
Anne Gruner
Kristin Hansen
Julianne Benson
Jane Lord
Lori Meyer
Julie Dallen
Wendy O'Meara
Jacqueline Moore
Azar Ayromlou
Margaret Roberts
Nancy Diesel
Joan Schmitz
Steven C. Anderson
Blanche Moore
Giovanna M. Cinelli


Paid for by Friends of Barbara Comstock.